Why get a gratitude buddy?

  1. A gratitude practice is a not quick-fix, but if you stick with it, it can be transformational. At first, it takes effort to turn our attention away from what ails or disturbs us and toward something more pleasant, gentle or hopeful. But over time, it becomes easier and the benefits are real. After creating a solid habit, you’ll be surprised to one day be walking down the street, and saying, “Wow, I feel (perhaps weirdly) grateful to be alive today!”

  2. Your buddy is a witness and an accountability partner on this leg of the life journey; they’re meant to keep you on track and help you form a new habit.

  3. You have someone to share the experience with, who is also practicing with you.

  4. You and your buddy will share a temporary and hopefully meaningful time together. You may learn about each other It may be a positive memory you have forever.

  5. And lastly, we’ve all been through a rocky time these past few years - Covid lockdowns, political unrest, environmental fragility. What the world needs now is more love, connection and mutual support. Creating a meaningful connection, rooted in gratitude, with another citizen of Planet Earth, is a gift you give all of us.

*See these articles on the benefits of gratitude: